Burrow Treatment System


Rodent Burrow Treatments In Rhode Island & Massachusetts

The Burrow Treatment System is different because it functions only when it is released in a confined space such as in burrowing rodent tunnel structures. Only then do the effects of the material become active and within a very short period of time, pests confined in this space are eliminated.

Primary benefits of the system include:

  • Approved for use in municipal, residential, commercial and field settings.
  • Can be used next to occupied buildings.
  • CO2 gas is non-flammable, invisible and odorless.
  • Quiet application.
  • Certified for use by licensed and trained technicians.

Some frequently asked questions:

How do you know if you’re putting enough CO2 in the burrow?

The label states the time and flow rate of the material. It is all controlled with a regulator that is part of the system.

Does IGI CO2 dissipate?

The CO2 is confined within the burrow system and eventually dissipates into the ambient air (depending on the soil conditions, when/if the burrow is reopened, etc.). 

What if it’s a rainy day?

There is no concern regarding treatment with IGI CO2 in the rain. 

How do you determine what burrow holes need to be filled?

Depending on the target pest, an understanding of their behavior is important. Like any type of IPM treatment, a thorough inspection beforehand can provide more insight as to active burrows and runways. 

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A New Process For Controlling Burrowing Rodents

At Pest Assassins, we are always testing new materials and equipment to assist our customers with battling rodents in and around their property.  For example, Norway Rats with their interconnecting tunnels, several entrances and multiple chambers make solving rat issues difficult.

Pest Assassins is excited to offer a NEW way of controlling burrowing rodents - the IGI CO2 Burrow Treatment System. This alternative treatment option is a perfect solution to eliminate rats in their burrows as a compliment to our other rodent services or as a stand alone service option.

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