Mosquito Prevention Tips


Homeowner Tips To Assist With Mosquito Control Success


  • Dump out all standing water in buckets, flower pot catch plates, bird baths and any other items where water can collect. Mosquitoes can breed in very small amounts of water and the less places there are in your yard for them to breed the fewer mosquitoes you will have.
  • Wear light colored long sleeve shirts, pants, and socks.
  • After any rain, inspect and dump out any areas that may have collected standing water, including water pooling in tarps or garbage can lids, etc.
  • If you own a pool, run the filtration system and pump daily to filter out any mosquito larva and keep the water in motion.
  • Try to keep anything that could fill with rain water turned upside down to prevent water from sitting for long periods of time.
  • Mosquitoes feed and mate in tall grass, so keeping the grass cut regularly can cut down the amount of mosquitoes in your yard.
  • Make sure window screens are in good working order. Keep doors including garage doors closed.
  • Check gutters for any debris causing water to pool. 
  • Apply insect repellant when you're going to be outdoors. (Check with your Pediatrician before applying to children)
  • Change pet watering dishes and bird baths frequently.


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  • Dump out all standing water in buckets, flower pot catch plates, bird baths and any other items where water can collect. Mosquitoes can breed in very small amounts of water and the less places there are in your yard for them to breed the fewer mosquitoes you will have.
  • Wear light colored long sleeve shirts, pants, and socks.
  • After any rain, inspect and dump out any areas that may have collected standing water, including water pooling in tarps or garbage can lids, etc.
  • If you own a pool, run the filtration system and pump daily to filter out any mosquito larva and keep the water in motion.
  • Try to keep anything that could fill with rain water turned upside down to prevent water from sitting for long periods of time.
  • Mosquitoes feed and mate in tall grass, so keeping the grass cut regularly can cut down the amount of mosquitoes in your yard.
  • Make sure window screens are in good working order. Keep doors including garage doors closed.
  • Check gutters for any debris causing water to pool. 
  • Apply insect repellant when you're going to be outdoors. (Check with your Pediatrician before applying to children)
  • Change pet watering dishes and bird baths frequently.

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