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Flying Squirrels In Wrentham, Massachusetts

A Service Call For Mice Leads To A Completely Different Pest Issue...Squirrels!

squirrel in a tree

We received a call about a mouse on top of a curtain rod in the living room in Wrentham, MA. Mice are very good climbers, but this just didn’t sound right to us. We inspected the home and we did find mouse droppings in several areas, but the critter on the curtain rod was actually a flying squirrel. Many people in New England aren’t aware that flying squirrels even live in our area, but the truth is that New England has the second highest concentration of squirrels (eastern grey squirrel, red squirrel, northern and southern flying squirrel and even black eastern grey squirrels).

Flying squirrels are primarily nocturnal so they’re rarely seen outside. The squirrel itself is rather small, typically 8-12 inches in total length and it actually doesn’t fly, it glides from surface to surface. Sometimes they can be confused with Sugar gliders, which are sold as pets, but sugar gliders are actually a possum (which is a marsupial) and have a pouch to carry their young whereas the flying squirrel has no pouch and leaves them in her nest.

Since they only breed once per year and typically have 2-4 per litter, this meant they’ve been in the home for some time and this was most likely a 3 generation problem. Northern Flying squirrels do not hibernate or go into torpor (similar to hibernation) and continue to feed aggressively during the winter by feeding on almost everything including dead animals. Flying squirrels will identify an area to “latrine” or go to the bathroom. This area can become soaked in urine and feces over time and may have to be professionally removed and sanitized. Many times they will enter the home at the peaks, through ridge vents or openings around dormers and windows on the second floor. Special care should be taken to keep brush and hanging tree branches away from the home. They can glide up to 150 feet from one surface to another but there is no need to make it easy for them. 

Pest Assassins does not offer Nuisance Wildlife Control at this time.

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